
style sheets

This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for visual layout. If your browser supports it, style sheets can be disabled or over-ridden to customise the appearance of the website, to your preference.


We appreciate that not all people using our sites can use a mouse; we will ensure that all of our websites can be browsed in a logical manner using the Tab button. Pressing the 'Tab' key while on a web page will select the next link on the page. You can press 'Tab' repeatedly to get to the chosen link. The selected link is indicated by the dotted border around the link. Once your chosen link is selected, you can trigger it by pressing the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. You can move backwards through links by pressing 'Shift' + 'Tab' together.

font sizes & zooming

Google Chrome

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar, find the 'zoom' section in the menu and select '+' to make page content larger or '-' to make page content smaller.

You can also use Ctrl and '+' (plus) (Option and '+' on Mac) and Ctrl and '-' (minus) (Option and '-' on Mac) keyboard shortcuts to increase and decrease content size respectively.

Microsoft Edge

Click the '•••' menu on the Edge toolbar , then select '+' to make page content larger or '-' to make page content smaller.

You can also use Ctrl and '+' (plus) and Ctrl and '-' (minus) keyboard shortcuts to increase and decrease content size respectively.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Swipe from the right edge of the screen, tap or click Settings then Options, then under Appearance move the zoom slider to increase or decrease the zoom level.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and 10

Enter the Tools menu then select Zoom. You can then increase or decrease the page's zoom level.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts. To do this, press Ctrl and '+' (plus) to increase the zoom level and Ctrl and '-' (minus) to decrease the zoom level.

Mozilla Firefox

Enter the View menu, then select Text Size and then choose whether you would like to increase the size (increase) or decrease the size (decrease).

Alternatively, using the keyboard you can hold down the Ctrl key and at the same time, push the - or + key.

Or hold down the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel (if you have one).


Click the View menu then click Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller.


The site has been designed to be easy to read through its colour combinations. If you have any difficulty in reading parts of the site, try increasing the font size, or try altering the visual appearance of your browser.


We have worked hard to ensure that our links are meaningful, and some links are explained in greater detail by using a title attribute, visible when hovering over the link.


JavaScript is used on the site to improve usability. All pages and processes are still accessible and usable if JavaScript is disabled or unavailable.


This website is built to use modern web standards. To ensure code quality and that standards are maintained we are committed to checking this on a regular basis.

This website will function and look as intended in browsers that support these standards. The most common of these are:

Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer (9+) on Windows. Chrome, Firefox and Safari on macOS.

If you do not have one of these browsers installed or are unable to upgrade, you may find the website easier to use by disabling CSS altogether - please see your browser's help documentation for further information.

We will continue to make improvements in this website, but Staffordshire County Council is not responsible for the accessibility of any other websites which this site may link to.

If you have any questions about our continuing efforts to make web-based information accessible to all users, or wish to report an accessibility problem on any of our pages, please contact us.